Frequency of Heaven

You have authority over whatever comes into your world. Anything that makes contact with your sphere of influence, you have the jurisdiction to accept or eradicate. Whether intentional or by accident the thing that is trying to latch on to you that is of a lower frequency, shake it off. Like the Apostle Paul (orContinue reading “Frequency of Heaven”


Shortly after arriving home today from an outing with the family, I glanced down at my cell phone to see that the time was 5:55. I snapped a quick screen shot, because the same thing happened to me yesterday – March 20 (The First Day of Spring). Typically you won’t find me reading deeply intoContinue reading “Five”

The Crazy Brave.

I’d like to think I have read a lot of books…. Pregnancy books, Parenting books, Discipline books, Super-Nanny books, Child Education books… but often it seems I am most well versed in Children’s books. Mainly the kind with cardboard pages, vivid colors and few words. So, in those moments when Sponge Bob is taking overContinue reading “The Crazy Brave.”