Chronicles of Grace & Glory

Within the walls of quarantine, whether self-imposed or mandated… we dig through the treasure boxes of our past. We unearth the tender moments, the tranquil and the turbulent. This relic was penned over 4 years ago, never published… perhaps a bit raw at the time. Yet now, the edges softened and the aches relieved… mayContinue reading “Chronicles of Grace & Glory”

Why I Hate Revival…

By definition the term revival is an instance of returning to life or consciousness; restoration of vigour or vitality. It implies that something was dead. Or at least on the verge of decay, lifeless, lacking any sort of zeal or zest for life. I am not dead. I don’t believe that you are either. Colossians 1:13-14 (AMP), “For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from theContinue reading “Why I Hate Revival…”

Holy Spirit Adventures

by Tammy Devaraj Nations!!!  For as long as I can remember that has been the cry of my heart!  To see Nations transformed by the power of God.  As a teenager God called me to take His light to the darkest nations of the world.  Ever since then my heart has burned with a loveContinue reading “Holy Spirit Adventures”

John G. Lake: The Roots Go To The Bones

When I was 18, in the dead of winter, somewhere in Upstate New York I had found myself in a small country church with my brothers, Mom and a few friends. We had gone as the worship team for a special meeting as a Prophet was coming to town… and by “we” I mean allContinue reading “John G. Lake: The Roots Go To The Bones”